Tune Names
Advent Albemarle Alstead Angel Band Anthem for Easter Anthem of Praise Anayis Appearance Arinello Attention [Benham] Attention [French] Atwater Babylon Babylonian Captivity Beauty Beeston Belmont Berne Bethlehem Birmingham Blooming Vale Bosnia Boston Brevity Brookfield Buckfield Bunker Hill Camden Captain Kidd Carol Charleston Columbus Come Thou Fount Comfort Concord Consolation Constant Friend Convoy Cortona Creation Crucifixion Cyrene Eggemoggin Election Hymn Ev’ry String Awake Exultation Fiftieth Psalm Tune Funeral Hymn [Belcher] Funeral Hymn [Holden] Gethsemane Great Divide Hallelujah New Hallowell Handsel Happiness Harlem Harmony Harvest Hymn Hatfield Hebron Hennessy Heroism Hope Hull Hundred Ninteenth Psalm Idumea Illumination Jubilant Judgment [Shumway] Judgment [West] Kennebunk Kittery Lamentation [Belcher] Lamentation [Holden] Lebanon Leghorn Leicester Liberty-Hall Little Compton Lynn Lynnfield Machias Majesty Maryland Measure Mechias Middleton Middletown Montague Nativity New Canaan New Durham New-England New-Jersey Newport Night Thought Norumbega Norwich Ocean Orange Pennsylvania Pepperell Protection Providence Psalm 136 Rainbow Redemption Reflection Resultant Winds Richmond Rockbridge St. Andrew’s St. David’s New St. Paul’s Salisbury Solitude-New Sounding Joy South Brooksville Star in the East Sudbury Sunday Ten Thousand Charms The Babe of Bethlehem The Exhortation The Lilly The Shepherd’s Star The Young Convert Transition Twenty-Third Psalm Venus Walpole Wedding Hymn Winthrop Woburn Woolman Hill York