Notes on Pitching

With the Bass set under each Tune
Some few directions for ordering the Voice in Setting these following Tunes of the Psalms.

First observe of how many Notes compass the Tune is. Next, the place of your first Note; and how many Notes above & below that: so as you may begin the Tune of your first Note as the rest may be sung in the compass of your and the peoples voices, without Squeaking above, or Grumbling below. For the better understanding of which, take notice of the following Directions.

Of the eight short Tunes used to four Lines only, whose measure is to eight Syllables on the first line, and six on the next: and may be sung to any Psalm of that measure.

Facsimile courtesy of Shelley Phillips

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Original 26 May 1997
Last modified: Oct 15 07:46 1998 / Ishmael Stefanov-Wagner