Norumbega Harmony Sampler

New England Plain Tunes, Fuging Tunes and Anthems

Quick Contents:
Contents by tune name and author,
Ordering Information


The Sampler was published in 1996 to present a preview selection of twelve traditional and contemporary New England tunes for our newly published (2004) tunebook, The Norumbega Harmony. It has been designed to display major features of the tunebook while also providing some favorite tunes drawn from Norumbega Harmony's twenty years as a community of singers dedicated to the revival of early American hymnody. Our goal in producing the tunebook has been to supply singers with accurate historical editions of New England tunes not available in The Sacred Harp, presented in shape-notation of the highest graphic quality along with complete documentation.

A collection of New England tunes, mostly traditional with some newly composed, collected by Norumbega Harmony set in shape-notes. Twelve tunes, 23 pages, 10 inches wide by 7 inches high, with wire spiral binding.


Brookfield. L.M. - William Billings, 1778
Mechias. S.M. - James Lyon, 1774
Handsel. L.M. - Supply Belcher, 1794
Woburn. L.M. - Jacob Kimball, 1793
Hatfield. C.M. - Thomas Baird, 1800
Lynn. C.M. - Oliver Holden, 1793
Buckfield. L.M. - Abraham Maxim, 1802
Happiness - Jacob French, 1793
Night Thought C.M. - Jeremiah Ingalls, 1805
Bunker Hill. - Andrew Law, 1781
Ev'ry String Awake. S.M. - Glen Wright, 1996
Atwater. L.M. - Bruce Randall, 1992

Ordering Information

The Norumbega Harmony Sampler is still available and may be ordered from:
A. Kazlauskas
99 Bow Street #1
Arlington, MA 02474
at $3.00 per copy plus $1.50 per copy for postage. Checks should be made out to "Norumbega Harmony".
Shape-Note Intro | Norumbega Harmony
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Original 8 October 1996
Last modified: 2016 September 21 /